Sunday, July 4, 2010


What is this all about? Let's say, 1 very good article generates 200 views/month. This article gets published by an average of 10 publishers a month. And each of these extra sites publishing this article attracts a minimum of 500 viewers/month. This would be the resulting mathematics;
1st Month -  200 + (10 X 500) = 5,200 views
2nd Month - 200 + (20 X 500) = 10,200 views
3rd Month - 200 + (30 X 500) = 15,200 views
4th Month - 200 + (40 X 500) = 20,200 views
5th Month - 200 + (50 X 500) = 25,200 views
6th Month - 200 + (60 X 500) = 30,200 views
7th Month - 200 + (70 X 500) = 35,200 views
8th Month - 200 + (80 X 500) = 40,200 views
9th Month - 200 + (90 X 500) = 45,200 views
10th Month - 200 + (100 X 500) = 50,200 views
11th Month - 200 + (110 X 500) = 55,200 views
12th Month - 200 + (120 X 500) = 60,200 views

After one year, just this one good article you have should have attracted publishers with an average or minimum of 120 different publishers with an average of 392,400 viewers (note that these are just estimates) a year.

Also, imagine I publish this article in 4 more free article sites where re-publishing is allowed. That would be an estimated [(4 X 392400) + 392400] = 1.962million views that year.

Also, imagine the scenario where I set all the traffic generation techniques right, doing all the search Engine optimization, link-building, social bookmarking, viral tweeting and other techniques; this will generate more views for this one article and hence the same article should be hitting 5-10 million views if not more for a year. Therefore, if peradventure I am advertising your product, I can use article writing to generate close to 10million views to your website. Is this not GREAT?!

The final strategy which is an incentive is as follows; If just one very good article published in different free article sites can generate such an awesome amount of traffic, Imagine I write 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 70 and even 100 of such "very-good" articles of different categories of information, all advertising your website, company or product. This means hundreds of million of viewers per year. So, if I write 30 articles through 5 websites for you, then its like writing 150 articles cos the same 30 articles would be published in the 5 different websites. Like wise if I write 100 articles in 5 different websites, its like writing 500 articles because these 100 same articles would be published in the 5 different websites. Imagine you have 500 different articles all advertising your website and scattered all over the internet! You will definitely get nothing less than 150million views in a year. And if you sell a product or deliver some services imagine how many people you'll get to by such a product? What are you waiting for!

You may wonder if I am capable of publishing 100 articles, considering the fact that there may be other website owners who might be interested in this. Do not worry, I am more than capable and I already have a team of workers who can assist me in this. I participated in the 4th hand marathon race of submiting 100 articles in 100 days. in which I published over 280 articles in 100 days. So when I hit a contract with you, I will give you full details of the duration of time I can write articles, submit them and get them approved. For more details and understanding, go to HOW IT WORKS......
Or you can go to my article biodata page of ezinearticles, count exactly three months after I joined (03/April/2010) to see how many articles I had written within this time frame.

The advertising contract is in different categories or levels.

This level is for students who want to advertise their websites and other smaller groups or community of people, who want their websites known.

  • 1 year contract ( 3 articles in only 1 article site) - $1000
  • 2 years contract (2 articles in 2 different article sites) - $2000
  • 3 years contract (3 articles in 2 different article sites) - $3000
  • 4 years contract (4 articles in 2 different article sites) - $4000
This is for owners of small websites, businesses, groups, which may not necessarily be highly commercialized and as well as new websites.
  • 1 year contract (5 articles in 2 different article sites) - $5000
  • 2 years contract (7 articles in 3 different article sites) - $8000
  • 3 years contract (10 articles in 3 different article sites) - $10,000
  • 4 years contract (10 articles in 4 different article sites) - $12,000
  • 5 years contract (15 articles in 5 different article sites) - $15,000
This level included new social networking websites, websites mostly targeting the international viewers.
  • 1 year contract (20 articles in 4 different article sites) - $18,000
  • 2 years contract (20 articles in 5 different article sites) - $20,000
  • 3 years contract (30 articles in 5 different article sites) - $30,000
  • 4 years contract (40 articles in 5 different article sites) - $40,000
  • 5 years contract (50 articles in 5 different article sites) - $50,000
For Mega companies, websites, groups, organisations and communities/ Such groups having large scale products.
  • 1 year contract (60 articles in 5 different article sites) - $55,000
  • 2 years contract (70 articles in 5 different article sites) - $60,000
  • 3 years contract (80 articles in 5 different article sites) - $75,000
  • 4 years contract (90 articles in 5 different article sites) - $80,000
  • 5 years contract (100 articles in 5 different article sites) - $100,000
  • Life contract (150 articles in 5 different article sites) - $200,000
  • Flexible contracts ( for more than 150 articles. They are Automatically life contracts)- depends but surely above $250,000 (even if it is 151 articles).
  1. Payment is done either through my paypal account or bank transfer.
  2. For every successful contract completion, a post would be created here, on my blogspot and the links of the articles used for such a contract would be placed there. Also, an additional information about the beginning and end of the contract would be placed there. Any other information would be considered personal.
  3. As soon as a contract expires, 1 extra- month would be issued for contract extension, after which links to websites been advertised would be immediately removed from each article involved.
  4. After agreeing a deal, 5% of the money can be paid after which the remaining 95% could be paid after completion of the contract. If you refuse to pay 5 days after the contract, your website been advertised would be removed from all the articles and a different website would be advertised there. And your 5% would not be refunded. Payment of the 5% indicates an official agreement and even if you change your mind before I start, there would be no refund. That is why the up-front payment is only but 5%.
  5. Articles giving information relating to your products can be written and published as well. But it is strongly advised that this should be done on a few articles, because the general public would not just have the need to get information from just one or a few categories of life (or niche). In order words, having many articles giving information of different categories of Life (or different niches) which advertises your website or products increases or boost traffic generation. Do not expect to do a contract with me on agriculture with 70 articles and expect all 70 to be on agriculture. Well! If you persist, then fine, but that is highly discouraged.
  6. Also note that article sites do not allow a direct advertisement of products, but rather all wants articles giving vital information to the public (even if it relates to your product). But there are resource boxes which are meant for the advertisement. These resource boxes are attached to articles for viewers to read and go to the link been advertised, which is exactly where your website would be advertised.
  7. If you need any special considerations when applying for adverts, feel very free to states it(them) during negotiations.
  8. My facebook badge is already here on blogspot so that you can have an idea of whom I am, also here is my my space account. But please, if you want to contact me for any business deals, send me a mail here Funom Theophilus Makama.
Looking forward to doing business with you. For clarification on how I write, what I write, the articles I write and as well the niches (though I write on almost every category) click on the link below,

Or you can also type my full names (especially 'Funom Makama') on any search Engine to observe how active I have been on the internet. This contract opens by 10th of August 2010. If you are not too sure, you can choose a small contract deal here and try it for yourself. It works! And it works amazingly.



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  2. How to Drive Traffic to Sell ClickBank Products
    webwise Member
    By Boris R, eHow Member
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    I want to do this! What's This?
    Drive Traffic to Sell ClickBank Products
    Drive Traffic to Sell ClickBank Products
    How to Drive Traffic to Sell ClickBank Products

    ClickBank is a very good place to learn about affiliate marketing and it's a very good place to learn about internet marketing. When you join and become a ClickBank affiliate, you would be able to choose many different digital products that you can promote and earn commissions for every sale that you generate. Some of the commission payouts are as high as 75% of the sales price, which confirms that this is a great way to make money online. In order to sell ClickBank products, you would need to drive traffic to your ClickBank affiliate link, also known as "hop link." In the following steps below, I will show you several practical ways that you can use to drive traffic and make sales as a ClickBank affiliate.

    In my Resources Box below this article, you'll find a profitable way to earn extra cash online.
    Difficulty: Moderate

    Step 1

    Drive traffic to your ClickBank products through article marketing -

    This is a free strategy to generate traffic and make ClickBank sales that will require you to write 400 - 600 word articles that will intrigue people and entice them to learn more about the product described in the article. Once you write these articles, you would need to submit them to the article directories such as GoArticles, ArticleBase, EzineArticles, ArticleDashboard, Buzzle, etc. This is where people will find them, read them and click on your link in the "author's box" to learn more or buy the product.

    You can earn income online by joining the opportunity that I listed in my Resources Box below this article for you.
    Step 2

    Drive traffic to your ClickBank promotion by building a website or blog -

    Another good way to drive traffic and sell ClickBank products is to build your own website or blog and then create back links to it via social bookmarking. Some of the social bookmaking websites that you can use are Delicious, Digg, Reddit, StumbleUpon, etc. It is also a good idea to submit your website or blog to search engines in order to get free traffic this way as well. You can go to where you can submit your website or blog to 20+ search engines for free.

    In my Resources Box below this article, you'll find a money making home based business that you can start from home.
    Step 3

    Drive traffic to your ClickBanks products by using Twitter -

    Twitter is a social networking site that you can use to generate ClickBank sales. There are many people that create Twitter accounts I norder to find friends that are interested in a certain niche in order to offer them ClickBank products that they are affiliate with. If you include relevant and quality information in your tweets, you would be able to occasionally promote certain offers. Using Twitter to market ClickBank products online is a great way to quickly find targeted buyers.

    If you are serious about earning extra cash online, click on the link in my Resources Box below.

  3. hi beethoven. I am an affiliate in clickbank already. Go to my first post where you will see 12 different e-books which I promote and in the first 3 months I sold almost 6,330 (read my ezinearticles biodate page), believe it or not, the fact still remains. So for you to post a whole article here as a comment is amazing. Anyway, nice comments. Just in case you need to advertise your products, I can write 20 articles advertising them and spreading these same articles to 5 different sites but for a fee. My Ezine article views has clocked more than 20,000 in just about 4 months. Before the end of september, I should have finished implementing all the professional traffic generation techniques and imagine how my traffic would sky rocket. In this way, I would be able to get more clients to advertize for them through writing.
    Thanks anyway and mind you, suggested I delete your comment, but I won't. If you do this same thing you did to more blog post, I am afraid you would be treated as spam and rather than promoting your business services, you will be damaging it. COntact me and I will advise you for free how to promote affiliates and be an affiliate marketer. Mind you I am still selling promoting e-books and there is one major electronic product about becoming a successful affiliate marketer which I promote here. Go to my profile and you will see the blog. Search for the electronic material trace it and purchase it through my affiliate link. It is exactly what helped me sell more than 6,000 e-books within three months and without a website.
